Birds and Bees Totem
67.5" X 13.5"
Crowned with a Mama Pacha sculpture on platter, this one of a kind totem is several totems in one. The platter retains water and becomes a bird bath while quenching the thirst of bees and other beings.
Birds and Bees Totem
67.5" X 13.5"
I mosaic the cement base with original handmade tiles. Tiles and beads are designed and textured with carving, sgraffito and glaze application.The sculpture "beads" are interchangeable and threaded onto the metal conduit set in cement. You can switch beads around and voila, many sculptures in one!
Birds and Bees Totem (section)
67.5" X 13.5"
Each element is unique. All pieces are hand sculpted and made with regard to the wabi sabi nature of all life.
Divine Mother Totem
Divine Mother Totem
Section of tiles from base.
Altar Totem l
28"X 12"x12"
This series is designed to be used as an evolving altar. Sculptures and vessels can be purchased and/or you can create your own altar "display" from sacred items you want to imbue your sanctuary with.
Altar Totem l
28"X 12"x12"
Close up of design from press mold. Press mold is of an original pendant I sculpted in wax and made using the lost wax jewelery casting method (in the 1980's).
Altar Totem ll 32.5" X 12" X 12"
w/ Mama Pacha sculpture (sold separately).
This series is designed to be used as an evolving altar. Sculptures and vessels can be purchased and/or you can create your own altar "display" from sacred items you want to imbue your sanctuary with.
Altar Totem ll
32.5" X 12" X 12"
One of a kind hand built, coil and slab ceramic sculpture. Carved with some sgraffito and use of press mold images.
Ancestor Totem l
Approx. 53.5"HX10.5"X10.5".
This series was designed to call in the voice of the Ancestors. The top section reflects the capacity of the Divine Feminine to radiate from the heart, and with compassion intercede in multi dimensional experience.The second tier is what I call the "singers".
Ancestor Totem ll.
Approx 58"H X 13"X13".
Hand built coil and slab ceramic sculpture, carved with some sgrafitto. Smaller applied "sculptures" on base are made using press molds of original lost wax jewelry cast designs I created in the 1980's.
Ancestor Totem ll (side view) Multiple clay bodies and finishes used in creating the one of a kind sculpture.
Lotus Born, Forgiveness Totem lll
51.5"H X 24.5" W (section of inner lotus bowl)
The Forgiveness Totem series is based on my intention to create art to interact with and remember our inter-dependency with the natural world. These sculptures are born from my efforts of “zero waste” and creating art from what would otherwise be landfill.
Lotus Born, Forgiveness Totem lll
51.5"H X 24.5" W (view of back)
The creative process included organizing plastic and other waste into an armature. The armature is wrapped in chicken wire and then Portland cement is applied. I then rolled out slabs of clay and covered the armatures with these slabs. I cut clay into the shapes of the tiles. The tiles were individually designed and sculpted.
Lotus Born, Forgiveness Totem lll
51.5"H X 24.5" W (Front angle section)
After glazing and firing the tiles the tiles were thin set on the armature and the mosaic was grouted.
Forgiveness Totem lV Rhythms
46.5"H X 22"
This sculpture has a removable birdbath set within a collar.
Forgiveness Totem lV Rhythms
46.5"H X 22"
Sculpting a tile within the Rhythms Totem.
Forgiveness Totem lV Rhythms
46.5"H X 22"
Sculpted tiles for a section of the column portion of Rhythms. These tiles are ready to bisque fire.
Forgiveness Totem lV Rhythms
46.5"H X 22"
This section of the column for "Rhythms" expresses my deep regard for the bees and the integral wisdom and consciousness of the hive.
Forgiveness Totem V
53" H X 34.5"
I was reflecting on teachings I received in the phrase, "chopping off the head". Spiritual elders will go into deep meditative practice to "chop off the head" and come from the heart in their actions and in guiding others.
A r
Forgiveness Totem V
53" H X 34.5"
Front section of base.
Forgiveness Totem V
53" H X 34.5"
Leather hard tiles in the process of being carved. These tiles are part of the backside of the totem.
Forgiveness Totem Vl (on the left) .
30.5"H X 11.5
Forgiveness Totem Vll (on the right)
39"H X 12"
These two totems have representations of the feminine both in embrace and singularly, within the form and individual tiles.
Forgiveness Totem Vll
39"H X 12"
Selection of tiles representing the Divine Feminine.
Forgiveness Totem Vll
39"H X 12"
Glazed and sculpted tiles before adhering to armature and grouting.
Forgiveness Totem Vll (on the left) .
30.5"H X 11.5
Forgiveness Totem Vl (on the right)
39"H X 12"
These two totems have representations of the feminine both in embrace and singularly, within the form and individual tiles.
Forgiveness Totem Vl
39"H X 12"
When affixing tiles to armature I use spacers (mulched tree pieces from garden path).
Forgiveness Totem Vl
39"H X 12"
Close up of the faces of embracing figures.
Forgiveness Totem ll, Two Spirit
The Forgiveness Totem series is a blending of trash art and ceramics. It is a commentary on packaging and being responsible for my waste. My intention is to create art to interact with and remember our inter-dependency with the natural world. These sculptures are born from my efforts of “zero waste” and creating art from what would otherwise be landfill. This has been an intimate relationship with the trash I generate and a process of discerning how I can reduce this impact on the environment. I have incorporated over two years of my debris into these sculptures, and I have changed some of my consumption habits because of facing the dilemmas of this kerfuffle in my lifestyle.
The creative process included organizing plastic and other waste into armatures. I wrapped the armatures in chicken wire and then applied Portland cement to the armatures. I then rolled out slabs of clay and covered the armatures with these slabs. When the clay was leather hard, I cut the clay into the shapes of the tiles. The tiles were individually designed and sculpted. After glazing and firing the tiles the tiles were thin set on the armature and the mosaic was grouted.
This video depicts the first stages of building the armatures.
Sales from the Forgiveness Totem Series directly fund activities in harmony with ancient ancestral teachings of interdependency and Sacredness of ALL life.
Forgive me for the ways in which I have been forgetful and disconnected to myself and the life around me. Forgive me for my over consumption when you have not received enough to thrive. Forgive me for the waste I have generated and help me to make better choices in how I nourish myself and interact with my environment. Please help me to be in harmony with the natural world and have my hand print bigger than my footprint. Please guide me in what is mine to do.